De Marquet Geschichte

An entrepreneur at heart, creative and passionate, I’m probably one of those women who love a challenge and do not hesitate to throw themselves into it. Always fascinated by fashion and on the road for work as a typical “frequent flyer”, I was inspired to create “De Marquet”, my own brand of handbags whose name I chose in honor of my noble Viennese great-grandmother, a few years ago. The iconic “Night&Day” is a bag with interchangeable covers, appreciated by women who travel often for its practicality but also because it reflects a new and sustainable way of consuming less, but consuming better. For the “Night&Day” with its smart concept and interchangeable covers, entirely “Made in Italy” by Tuscan artisans, I’m always on the lookout for collaborations with renowned and also emerging artists; I see each cover as a real territory of expression. These collaborations not seldom lead to beautiful and precious friendships, and that’s one more reason why I thoroughly enjoy what I do: I am interested in people and their stories. What inspires them, what they stand for, what they believe in. As far as I’m concerned, I believe in the spark, the courage to turn and pivot one’s life towards a dream. I will not stop believing in dreams, and I very much hope the same for you. Thank you for taking your time to stop by our De Marquet site. I hope that – while you are browsing – you feel the passion and love we put into what we do. 


Sustainability seems to be a buzzword nowadays, though I sometimes wonder if we all truly grasp its meaning in the same way. Regardless, I believe the essence lies in embracing a new mindfulness and making a positive impact, no matter how small. At De Marquet, embedding sustainable and social considerations into our product development has been a cornerstone from the start. Opting for “Made in Italy” wasn’t just a label for us; it was about fostering local production. That’s why our workshops are nestled in the heart of Tuscany.
Ein einzigartiger Aspekt unseres Ateliers ist seine Rolle als Wiedereingliederungseinrichtung. Das bedeutet, dass 30 % unserer Belegschaft aus Menschen mit körperlichen oder geistigen Einschränkungen oder Behinderungen oder aus schwierigen sozialen Verhältnissen stammen.
Die COVID-19-Pandemie und die darauf folgenden Schließungen haben gezeigt, wie wichtig es ist, diese Arbeitsplätze zu erhalten. Um sich darauf einzustellen, stellte unser Werk, das sich normalerweise auf die Herstellung von Taschen und Schuhen konzentriert, auf die Produktion von Masken um. Diese Umstellung diente einem doppelten Zweck: Sie sicherte Arbeitsplätze und bot unserem Team eine sinnvolle Beschäftigung, während sie gleichzeitig die breitere Gemeinschaft unterstützte.
Für uns ist diese Anpassungsfähigkeit ein leuchtendes Beispiel für gelebte Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Verantwortung.
It’s a testament to how sometimes, the smallest actions can make the most significant impact.
Wouldn’t you agree?
